Friday, July 20, 2007

Are you hiding anything on the inside?

Ya know this blogging thing has got me to thinking differently. When I see something or read something I start analizing as to how I can use that to reach someone else. Well this morning while lying in bed trying to make myself get up, I was thinking of all the things I wanted to accomplish today. One of the things that came to mind was a few more boxes in the carport that needed to be gone through. I don't won't my carport to be cluttered, we've been here a month and it's time to start tidying everything up.

Well anyway....I haven't felt good and I thought I will just get one of the boys to bring the boxes inside and put in my hallway and I'll go through it later. Instantly, I thought... ok don't want people to see it cluttered up out in the carport but you want to bring it in where it won't be seen until you can go through it. I started applying this scenerio to my own life and it come to mind that I was trying to hide something on the inside. Ya see, no matter how strong I try to be for others, my faith is getting a little weak. Don't get me wrong, I know God will see me through this thing but it's got to the point that I'm asking......."where are you at God?" My husband said it was just satan trying to get us to doubt about some things. I am trying to be as strong for myself and family as I seem to be for others. Ya know it so much easier to have faith for someone else, isn't it?

Sorry this is a depressing post but I need prayer this morning. Keep me and my family lifted up. I am tired of hiding whats really going on , on the inside?

Are you hiding something this morning? Let it out and let others pray for you......I did !!!!!!

Needing prayer,

P.S. Ya know, those boxes might just have to stay out there for a


Kim said...

I like the changes you made in your blog. I hope you have a great day in Jesus - throw ol Satan out of your house with those empty boxes girl!

Love Ya!

Shelly said...

LOL. Leave the boxes be :)

And thank you for confessing your heart this morning. It strips the enemy of any power and lie that you have to be strong or 'such and such.'

His grace is sufficient sweet sister. He will not fail you (or me!).

Acts 3:16 - I love this verse. Sometimes we're the beggar at the Gate Beautiful that needs the hand of faith/love from Peter, and other seasons we're the 'Peter' that has an extra measure of faith to reach out to someone.

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

Lisa, I think we all go through bouts of this, it's all apart of our faith. We aren't going to be on top of the mountain every day and it's ok. That's why you have your sisters in Christ to lift you up. Keep pressing on....I know things might be hard but He's there, guiding you and holding your sweet heart in His hands!! love you!! praying for you!!