Thursday, August 30, 2007

In the divine will of GOD i am back into the blogging world. We still do not have phone, tv or internet access at home so Id ecided when I got to the library that I would devote all my time to my blogging friends.

So much has happen in the last few weeks or should I say over the last couple of months so I will try to update you on it all. As you can see by my blogs I have been riding an emotional roller coaster. Out lives have been turn upside down in the last 2 months. As I sat there yesterday thinking of all that has taking place, I specifically remember the day I prayed for God's will in our lives. I was standing in the kitchen looking out the window. (I do alot of thinking while washing dishes and taking a Our lives seemed as though it was at a stand still, we were enjoying church and everyday life but was going no where spiritually and doing the call that God had called my husband to do.....but anyway......I ask the lord whay exactly was his will for our lives, I told him I knew Mike had a place in ministry but I couldn't understand why he wasn't fulfilling it to the fullest. I asked God to put us into the center of his will, to do whatever he had to do to get us where we needed to be. Well, well, careful for what you ask for. Everyone that has been keeping up with me during this journey knows the story of the revelation my husband got during the revival. I did not know how to handle this because me and my kids (and my husband too) were very happy where we were at. I finally made a call to my pastor and was telling him what was going on and he instantly without hesitation said he thought it was a GOD THING. He told us that if we thought this was a true calling of God that he gives us his blessings and would release us into this ministry. My heart was torn.......I did not want to hear him say that.....I cried the rest of the conversation. Ya see.....that great church we were attneding believes in releasing people into the ministry, letting them go to do God work. To make a long story short we decided to leave last sunday Aug. 26. Out children were involved in some things with the church and we upheld our obligations and decided not to waste any time and try to procrastinate on what God was calling us to do. It was the saddest day of my life....The church had a prayer over us and sent us out with their blessings......I cried all day sunday and cried myself to sleep sunday night, not because I don't want to be in God's will but why would he take me and my family out of where we were so happy and around people that loved us so much. Don't get me wrong......I want to be in the will of God but could not understand why I wasn't seeing what my husband was seeing in all this.

My children have been great during all this......I know they are going to miss all there friends they have made but I think they will adjust fine. They know that this is a divine calling.

Well on monday morning, Satan decided to put his 2 cents worth and had me emotionally upset over this whole thing......I did not want to be married into this nor did I want any part of it. It has been a struggle for me but I have decided to be a help mate to my husband and willing to stand by him.....I have asked him to help me understand what the lord is showing him and I wanted him to try to understand that I don't see it as he does. We have come into an agreement that we will work this out together with the help of our lord Jesus Christ. I have decided that I have to get in the word more and letting God lead and direct me. I have been reading proverbs and boy have my eyes been opened. You are probably, she has never read proverbs......NO...I HAVEN'T and I have really throughly enjoyed it.

We attended the church that we will be attending last night and it was very different........1.)different from what we have been used to the last 14 months and 2.) just knowing we were where God wanted really made a difference.

I still desire the prayers of everyone who reads this because I was once told that when you are in the center of God's will, you are in midst of the strongest storm. I know it won't be easy because we are doing God' s work and satan doesn't like it.

I hope I have shedded some light on the last couple of weeks af my life. God never promised that the cross would not get heavy and the hill would not be hard to climb but victory would always come in time.

Love yall,


Kim said...

Been there girl and the victory is sweet....keep climbing!

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

Glad to see you are back! I've missed ya!! And boy oh boy can I just tell you that you have got to remind yourself through it all that your blessing is ON IT'S WAY!! Obedience at all costs.......literally!! I have been there where God stripped me down to NOTHING and it hurts, but once you get into His will......oh that is when the victory begins!! Can't wait to hear what God is going to do through you!!!

Shelly said...

Good to see you back. I understand not having the internet and missing out on blogville though too :)

Trusting He will strengthen you and give you courage in this transitional season. Your heart is FOR Him - He will honor that girlfriend.