Monday, August 13, 2007

Just confused................................

Well, how is everyone this morning.Hope this finds everyone doing well. I am just enjoying some quiet time.Believe it or not, it's 11:10 and my boys are still in the bed. Man, they are going to have it rough when they have to start school next week.

Well, not too much has changed in my life. Still confused as to what to do about everything. I shouldn't be confused, if God said do it then we shall do it but we are human. Mike admits, he is as confused as I am. We go to church yesterday and we both feel like we are being shunned. What's up with that? We have been happy all this time and then we walk in after this revelation and's like everyone knows. (I know they don't, but that's the way it feels) We go to revival last night and he has the altar call, we respond and it seems like he prayed for everyone but us. I don't know why I am feeling like this-this morning but I am. It's not a pity party mood----it's almost like God has sat us here and said okay......the ball is in your run with it. the problem is I think we are to fearful of being obediant in picking it up.

We had a talk with the evangelist the other night and he in a round about way said that Mike has got to show me he means business with all this. Well Mike has shown me in some areas but not in for instance......just a scenerio.......if he was divinely called to minister to the youth then wouldn't he have a heart to be down in the altar with them while they need ministering to. I am just confused.....I think I am putting too much faith in man and not God. Just being real this morning. Please continue to pray for us.......this is some real deal stuff we are facing here. Our life has been turn upside down and basically put into reverse. It's like go back and fix what you broke up.

I know this probaly not the kind of post you were expecting but I am FRUSTRATED, CONFUSED, WEARY, FEARFUL AND DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO AT THIS POINT.



Kim said...

Praying for you - I have some more to tell you but I will email you.

Lisa said...

Thanks for praying.....been looking for the have got me curious.

Love ya girl

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

Wow girl, sounds like God is working in big ways right now. What's going on with it all??? Update soon!! Hope you're having a great day! I've missed ya this past week, but I'm back!! Lot's of love and prayers!!

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

ok girl, where ya been? What's going on with everything?