Sunday, July 1, 2007

Joy comes in the morning...

Last night, my hubby called me into the bathroom to show me a web that a spider was making outside our window. He said he noticed every night before going to bed, it would be there and when he got up the next morning it would be gone. I stood there for a moment and said thats a good story to blog about, he just smiled at me. He knows how excited I am about blogging and how much I enjoy sharing with others. (He does not read them--so don't worry).

So anyway, I went on to bed thinking about that web. When I awoke this morning I thought ya know we catch ourselves caught up in webs sometimes, rather it be a wrong decision that we have made about something or get caught in the middle of something that we don't need to have no part in, we are caught in a web so to speak. That webs purpose was used to catch insects for food but however it was spun so carefully and unique. (Have you ever really looked at a web?) Satan will make things look so good and then snatch us (sometimes physically) spiritually and get us all tangled up in STUFF. (Remember my gunk I was in when I first starting blogging) It's like being caught in a web. But remember he said it would be gone the next morning........PRAISE GOD, JOY COMES IN THE MORNING. No matter what we get caught up in on this earth with earthly things, wrong decisions ot whatever just remember WEEPING ENDURES FOR THE NIGHT BUT JOY COMES IN THE MORNING.

If you're caught up in a web just remember I am praying for you.


Kim said...

The whole time I was painting yesterday - I was analyzing the job just as you were the spider's web - but you know - that's what it means to look at His creation with a biblical worldview - it all points back to Him. Cool, huh? I am TIRED but I promise to blog today - church was awesome this morning!


ThreeGirlyGirls said...

What an amazing heart you have Lisa! Press on girl!! God's doing big things in your life!!