Thursday, July 12, 2007

Soaking it all up......the BLESSINGS of God

Good morning girls.........I am getting a late start. I hate to sleep late sometimes because it makes for a bad day. I just need to start getting up when I originally wake up and I think I feel a whole lot better.

Well.....My class went great last night. There is so much to learn about the structure of the class but God called me to do it and I know he'll see me through it. Hey....that sounded good didn't it.

I am just soaking up God's blessings today. My 2 oldest boys are at Presbyterian football camp, my husband is working today and Carson is still asleep (10:07). All my kids love to sleep late...I am so thankful unless we have to get up early to go somehwere. But anyway......I am here soaking it all up and going over through my mind how God is blessing me and my family, doing a work in me personally. Yall, I know I keep saying this but God has truly changed me through this fire. Sort of like a wake up call. I feel like sometimes I am going 90 miles a minute, like a high so to speak. High on thats some powerful

Well I think i am going to get a shower before Carson gets up and we may try to do some mommy amd me time today....somewhere.

Soak up God's blessings will make you feel so much better !!!!!

Love yall,


ThreeGirlyGirls said...

Lisa, what a blessing you must be to those girls! I don't think you'll ever know how much you are impacting their lives! Keep it up!! Have a blessed day!

Lisa said...

Thanks Nikki.....I'm excited about the class and what God is doing.
