Friday, September 7, 2007

Trying to be cooperative !!!!!!

Well.....we still do not not have internet, phone or t.v. but we are It sure has been quiet around our house, boring at times but quiet.

My job of substituting kicked in today. I am working today for an agriculture teacher and I am scheduled mon-thurs. of next week for PE/Health teacher so I guess I have started Sept. off right. The only downfall to it is getting paid once a month, so what I work in Sept. I won't get paid till Oct. 25. But oh's a job and I love doing it. My husband is the SRO, I have a senior this year and a sophmore so what more can you ask for being at work with just about the whole family?

Well.....I am still trying to get used to the change that has taken place in our lives. I know it is going to be rewarding but I don't adapt to change very well. Mess my world up and you've got problems on your If you don't believe me just ask my husband or my children. IF MAMA AIN'T HAPPY......AIN'T NOBODY HAPPY.....LOL but however, I am trying to be cooperative.

I have a question for all who read my blog......all 3 of Someone told me that Mike's succcess or failures would not depend on me. I somewhat disagree with that statement to a certain point. I feel as if I buck this whole ministry thing and drag him down with me then it would fall back on me. I certainly do not want that. Don't get me wrong ....I want to be in the will of God but I am not seeing what he (MIKE) is seeing. Mike says it's because I don't won't to see it and that maybe I just not looking for it. My pastor (former) says that I am a realist and Mike is a visionary. You have to have a realist to keep a visionary in line and within boundries. So is that a calling for me? to make sure he stays level headed with all this? However......if so....then his success or failures does fall back on me. Let me know what ya think..............

I guess I better go for now......the class is getting kinda loud. Maybe I can post more later during my free time.

Until then,


Kim said...

Glad you are getting the opportunity to sub - perhaps if they paid subs more often - they wouldn't be as hard to get. We get paid every two weeks - much better than once a month. Hang in there!

Kim said...

That's what was so hard for me - I am normally the visionary and Todd is the realist - However when he first surrendered to full time ministry - we reversed roles. I will share it with you on Saturday - but I will tell you that I was wrong for holding on to the pew - I later discovered that I had to surrender self and GET OUT OF THE WAY! (and don't you think it worked out? You kno why? Because GOD is in control - something I was used to doing) Remember that women find their success in relationships and men find it in their jobs - Support him and be thankful that you are married to a man that can see the big picture! We need to chat.

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

Praying for you! Hope the sub jobs continue!