Thursday, October 18, 2007


So I was looking at everyone else's post this morning and decided I probably needed to post. As you can see I don't post everyday. I am very thankful this morning....I am racking up on days at the high school. I kinda wanted to be lazy today, do laundry and just do what I wanted but I had a teacher call me and I just couldn't tell her ''no" because we really need the money. I have been working a lot this month and I will all week next for an Ag. teacher that will be going to Indianapolis to a convention for a week. I am thankful God has opened that door this month and given me the opportunity to work.

Well....i still don't know whats going on with me. I haven't taken the time to go to the dr. Last night my husband and I were talking in the den, the kids were in there rooms doing their own thing and nothing chaotic was going on and all of a sudden tears just started rolling for no reason whatsoever. I told my husband I just don't understand "WHY?" and I am really not sure at this point if being aware of it is a good thing or not. I don't want to hold things in but at the same time if I feel this mood thing coming on. I will ask it really worth it to bring that up or is it really worth it to argue about that. I really hope there is someone out there that knows what I am going through and can relate. There are probably others that think I am crazy.

Kim...I have the book "Battlefield of the mind." But I have never done the study. I think it would help tremendously. I feel like it is an imbalance but I am like Nikki, sometimes I feel like it's a God issue. I can't seem to let some things go but like last night.......crying out of the blue like that scared me.

My free period is about over so I guess I better get off this computer. I will try to post more later or at least post more often.

Take care and keep the prayers flowing,

1 comment:

Valarie said...

Girl, you need to give yourself some credit! With all you've been thru the last few months, you deserve to be able to just cry when you feel like it!

Remember "The King is enthralled with your beauty..." Ps 45:10
He knows your heart, he made you to be emotional, so embrace it and give all your emotions to Him!

Praying for you...