Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I DIG Jesus because.................

Man, what a way to get a girl thinking. I have thought about this all afternoon. During cooking, cleaning up the dishes and even the rest of the night as I went about my nightly routine.

So here it goes......

1) I dig Jesus because....... of the life he created in everything especially human life. I mean ...have you ever looked at your hands, feet, nose, ears, eyes and just wondered how he created each little thing to work so well to benefit the other things. Life itself is amazing to me. 10 fingers, 10 toes.....so amazing. We are created in his image.

2) I dig Jesus because......of the pain and suffering he endure for us dying on the cross. He did that for me, he did it for you. It is so amazing at what he did for us but yet we want to complain about it being too hot, too cold or just complaining period when it don't go our way.

3) I dig Jesus because.......of the little blessings we have in our life called children. For some reason he chose to give me all boys. Sometimes I wonder what my little girl would have looked like but with 3 boys....some day I'll have 3 daughters (in-law) and he may even give me grand-DAUGHTERS.

4) I dig Jesus because...... (this one will make you laugh) GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY.....if it wasn't for my parents.....where would I be?.....would I exist?..... I have the parents I have because he chose to give me to them. I am the little blessing in life that I mentioned in #3...lol

5) I dig Jesus because...... of the trials that I go through. Although they are not fun and sometimes devastating. We learn to endure through those trials and it makes us stronger. God is doing a work in me......giving me the chance to use what I have been through to help someone else through lifes storms.

OK....so there you have it.......it may have been a little different than what you were expecting to hear but those are the things that come to mind.

I am glad I was tagged........it is just another way of counting life blessings.

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