Sorry it has taken me 3 days to finish my post but my house is like a zoo sometimes. When everyone is at home, I can't get a word in edge wise must less type out my feelings with 4 other voices ranting and raving about something. The husband is in the recliner watching a movie and the 3 boys are gone fishing so I thought I would finish my previous post and make even make it to another
So anyway..... we continued with check ups every 6 months and it was Dec. before Derek turned 3 in March, we went in for what we thought was a normal routine check. Everything was going as normal....weight check, ekg, echo and then consultaion on findings of the procedure they did that day. I had notice on the echo. they were taken longer than usual, going over some places twice and really paying close attention to what they were doing. When they were through, we were ask to go into a room and wait on the cardiologist which was not out of the ordinary. When he come in, he sat down and said "things look a little different today than they have in the past" and my husband says "As in?" seems as though Derek has what they call an Coarctation of the Aorta and needs to have surgery to correct it. We were devastated....after the initial shock, tears, comforting, questions and more tears, the dr. explain to us that the Aorta which is the main artery in your heart that leads to this bi-cuspid valve was blocked or restricted. they explain to us that one of the ways to determine if something is going on like this is checking blood pressures in all extremities. With Derek, his pressures in his legs were lower than in his arms which let them know that the blood supply to the lower part of his body was being restricted. They told us in some cases if the difference in the two were 15 or below they would just watch him extra careful....15-20...they would discuss surgery and anything higher would definitely have to be corrected. Derek was 32. To try make this a little shorter we spent the next 2 1/2 months getting appointments in Charleston and the surgery scheduled and finalized for March 20. they explained to us that they would cut him from the center of his back to under his arm and go in that way, cut out the restricted part and stitch the 2 pieces back together. They couldn't give us a specific time frame that we actually spend in the hospital. It was according if all went well. I had a five year old son that I had to make arrangements for and when leaving him not knowing when I would see him again. This was one of the worse things I had ever had to go through as a young mother.
March 18 , 1995 was Dereks 3rd birthday. We gave him probably one of the biggest birthday parties he has had We packed our bags that night, left for Charleston the next morning and checked in the hospital the next day the 20th. When we got there they told us that it was part routine that they do a MRI. Dr. Horne (ped. cardiologist from greenville) had flown down to be with us and he and the cardiologist from Charleston discussed that the blockage did not have to be corrected with surgery, that they felt real positive about doing an angioplasty (ballon procedure) and it would correct it. Well......there were tears again but this time they were tears of JOY. He said that if they had of went in and cut the blockage out and stitched it back the the scar from the procedure would cause the artery to shrink and basically cause the same problem. He felt real sure that the angoiplasty would work. Actaully the blockage Derek had was not like the blockages you hear of today but a restriction of blood flow due to a birth defect. Later on that day they did the angioplasty, we spent 3 days in the hospital and was back home with a healthy boucing 3 year old that has to this day to slow
It has been 13 years and we have not any problems since. We went to check-ups every 6 months after that for a while that later on moved to once a year and then every 2 years. He has had one stress test they he passed with flying colors and has done extremely well. He is now 16...goes and does anything he wants, no restrictions, plays football, baseball and golf. He will do anything in the world for you. Very sweet child and no, I am not Actually we go back in August and two years from now will be released to an adult cardiologist.
We serve an awesome God. If it had not been for his grace we would never have made thus far and since then we were blessed with yet another baby boy. Our 3 sons and we would have it no other way.
A mom with a Purpose
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
I am very BLESSED
I have been contemplating on posting this but it has been on my mind for days now and I just can't get away from it. I just didn't want to sound selfish.
I have been browsing different blogs and reading about other people but just couldn't make myself blog my own. I love to read how god has blessed others and used inspirational things to reach other people. However I have come across and began to read of mother (parents) of poor prenatal diagnosis'. I go to this site all the time not because I like what I read but because it is so inspirational to me how God chose to bless these women. You are probably thinking I am crazy at this point but every story regardless of how it turned out...God Blessed someone through it. I hope I am getting my point across clear....(I still have a problem with what others think but I am working on it.)
Of all the things that go through my mind when i read these stories is how BLESSED I am to have 3 healthy children. Ya ll.... I think we take our healthy children for granted sometimes. Ten fingers, ten toes, walking, jumping, skipping, hollering at siblings, fighting over what they had first, the funny things they say at just the right moment....I could go on and on naming things but we just take these things for granted because they are ordinary things we see everyday and don't know life as a different picture. If we have healthy children, we need to be very thankful that God chose us to be the mommies to these children.
No I don't have a testimony of how God delivered me from drugs and alcohol or anything devastating like that but however I do have a testimony. Everyone does.....if God has saved you from this dying, cruel world.....YOU have a testimony.
I do have a story of how God blessed me and my husband with a child that has a heart defect. i have never shared this story publicly but now I feel like God is wanting me to post it here.
Just a quick update in case this your first time to this blog. We have 3 children..all boys. Our oldest is 18...9 lbs. 11 Oz, 22 inches long when he was born. As you can see very healthy. Our 2ND is 16 and was 8 lbs. 2 Oz's and our 3rd which is now 9 yrs. old was 9 lbs. and 5 Oz's. So you see very healthy baby boys.
When Derek, our middle one made his appearance into the world, we were told that he had a heart murmur but it was something some people were born with and it would probably out grow it. Everytime we went for check ups our ped. would really listen and comment on how he thought the murmur was getting louder. At the age of ten months....we went in for a check up and he suggested we see a cardiologist just for precaution. He didn't like the way it sounded. We took Derek to a local adult cardiologist and he was diagnosed with a Bi-cuspid Aortic valve. To make a long story short he was born with 2 cuspids pumping the blood where we have 3. He said he didn't see any leakages or anything and wanted to see him when he was 3. I didn't like the idea of waiting 2 years so I ask our ped. if he would refer us to see a pediatric cardiologist. We chose one in Greenville and within a few weeks we were off to see him. He confirmed the diagnosis and but said he has mild Aortic stenois. This meant the cuspids can build up calcium deposits on them and it can restrict them from opening the way they should. Right then Dereks was minimal if any and he wanted to see him every 6 months just to keep a close check on him. (Remember the other card. wanted to see him at age 3) Well, we continued the every 6 mth. check up with Derek with no change in him. Just an average child bouncing around full of life.
Sorry but i need to finish this in a 2nd post, the hubby is, recovering from from surgery. I need to stop right here. I didn't intend for this to be a long post but I guess someone needs to hear what I got to say.
Until the 2nd post,
A mom with a purpose
I have been browsing different blogs and reading about other people but just couldn't make myself blog my own. I love to read how god has blessed others and used inspirational things to reach other people. However I have come across and began to read of mother (parents) of poor prenatal diagnosis'. I go to this site all the time not because I like what I read but because it is so inspirational to me how God chose to bless these women. You are probably thinking I am crazy at this point but every story regardless of how it turned out...God Blessed someone through it. I hope I am getting my point across clear....(I still have a problem with what others think but I am working on it.)
Of all the things that go through my mind when i read these stories is how BLESSED I am to have 3 healthy children. Ya ll.... I think we take our healthy children for granted sometimes. Ten fingers, ten toes, walking, jumping, skipping, hollering at siblings, fighting over what they had first, the funny things they say at just the right moment....I could go on and on naming things but we just take these things for granted because they are ordinary things we see everyday and don't know life as a different picture. If we have healthy children, we need to be very thankful that God chose us to be the mommies to these children.
No I don't have a testimony of how God delivered me from drugs and alcohol or anything devastating like that but however I do have a testimony. Everyone does.....if God has saved you from this dying, cruel world.....YOU have a testimony.
I do have a story of how God blessed me and my husband with a child that has a heart defect. i have never shared this story publicly but now I feel like God is wanting me to post it here.
Just a quick update in case this your first time to this blog. We have 3 children..all boys. Our oldest is 18...9 lbs. 11 Oz, 22 inches long when he was born. As you can see very healthy. Our 2ND is 16 and was 8 lbs. 2 Oz's and our 3rd which is now 9 yrs. old was 9 lbs. and 5 Oz's. So you see very healthy baby boys.
When Derek, our middle one made his appearance into the world, we were told that he had a heart murmur but it was something some people were born with and it would probably out grow it. Everytime we went for check ups our ped. would really listen and comment on how he thought the murmur was getting louder. At the age of ten months....we went in for a check up and he suggested we see a cardiologist just for precaution. He didn't like the way it sounded. We took Derek to a local adult cardiologist and he was diagnosed with a Bi-cuspid Aortic valve. To make a long story short he was born with 2 cuspids pumping the blood where we have 3. He said he didn't see any leakages or anything and wanted to see him when he was 3. I didn't like the idea of waiting 2 years so I ask our ped. if he would refer us to see a pediatric cardiologist. We chose one in Greenville and within a few weeks we were off to see him. He confirmed the diagnosis and but said he has mild Aortic stenois. This meant the cuspids can build up calcium deposits on them and it can restrict them from opening the way they should. Right then Dereks was minimal if any and he wanted to see him every 6 months just to keep a close check on him. (Remember the other card. wanted to see him at age 3) Well, we continued the every 6 mth. check up with Derek with no change in him. Just an average child bouncing around full of life.
Sorry but i need to finish this in a 2nd post, the hubby is, recovering from from surgery. I need to stop right here. I didn't intend for this to be a long post but I guess someone needs to hear what I got to say.
Until the 2nd post,
A mom with a purpose
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Hey to all my blogging friends and family. It's been awhile since ny last blog.....aahh, January i No excuse just going through a lot of gunk and really didn't feel like sharing it with anyone. I have kept up with all of you through out this whole time. It has really been a high light of my day to log on and read whats been going on with you all. You have been an inspiration to me on some days when I thought I could not go on.
Life has been different for me the last month or so. One of the major things in my life the last couple of months was my first born, graduating high school. I just can't believe 18 years has past and now he has to face this cruel world out there. he has chose not to go to college but wants to be a full time firefighter. he has been taking some classes that will help him with this. He is certified now bit classes will help to pursue that dream of his.
My father-in-law is still battling cancer. It seems like when they find something, do surgery and about to get through it....something else shows up. As a matter of fact....we are awaiting results as I type this of a pet scan that was done last week.
My husband faced surgery last wednesday but has done real well with it. I have found myself spoiling him so he would probably be doing a lot more if I would let
So this coming fall I will have a rising Jr. and a 4th grader. Kim, can you believe Derek only has 2 more years? Time is flying yall....if you readers out there have little ones.....cherish these moments.....they will be gone in a blink of an eye.
Hope to hear from my blogging friends.....I will try to do better with the blogging this time around.
Love ya guys,
A mom with a PURPOSE
Life has been different for me the last month or so. One of the major things in my life the last couple of months was my first born, graduating high school. I just can't believe 18 years has past and now he has to face this cruel world out there. he has chose not to go to college but wants to be a full time firefighter. he has been taking some classes that will help him with this. He is certified now bit classes will help to pursue that dream of his.
My father-in-law is still battling cancer. It seems like when they find something, do surgery and about to get through it....something else shows up. As a matter of fact....we are awaiting results as I type this of a pet scan that was done last week.
My husband faced surgery last wednesday but has done real well with it. I have found myself spoiling him so he would probably be doing a lot more if I would let
So this coming fall I will have a rising Jr. and a 4th grader. Kim, can you believe Derek only has 2 more years? Time is flying yall....if you readers out there have little ones.....cherish these moments.....they will be gone in a blink of an eye.
Hope to hear from my blogging friends.....I will try to do better with the blogging this time around.
Love ya guys,
A mom with a PURPOSE
Saturday, January 12, 2008
I am still
Oh my feels like I am new to blogland. So much has happened since I have posted last.
I really don't know where to start but I guess I can start where I left off. Carson got his cast off last friday (Jan. 4). His birthday was the 7th so it was a great birthday present. He still has to wear a brace for 3 more weeks and then he wants him to wear it after that while he is playing. We had went back for xrays 1 week after he got the cast and the bone had shifted. They had to reset it in the dr. office and boy it was sooooo not fun. So after that happening, I don't have any problem getting him to wear that brace.
Well an update on my father-in-law........he went for that full body pet scan and NOTHING shown up. No signs of cancer anywhere. PRAISE THE LORD !!! So now he has to go back every 3 months to check things out so continue to pray that nothing shows up when he goes back.
Work is going great......I feel like I am a part now. You know when you are the new kid on the block you feel like you stand out but now I feel comfortable with the babies and I work with a great person. We get along great and I couldn't ask for a better person to work with.
Well i know this is short but for the last two days I have done nothing but cough. I hope it hasn't turned into bronchitis. Nothing in the feels like it's all in the chest. Today is the worst day yet. I hope I don't end up in the dr. office again. I just can't quit coughing.
I'll try to post more later......I was going to do a lot of cleaning today but right now it looks like the recliner is calling my
Love yall,
I really don't know where to start but I guess I can start where I left off. Carson got his cast off last friday (Jan. 4). His birthday was the 7th so it was a great birthday present. He still has to wear a brace for 3 more weeks and then he wants him to wear it after that while he is playing. We had went back for xrays 1 week after he got the cast and the bone had shifted. They had to reset it in the dr. office and boy it was sooooo not fun. So after that happening, I don't have any problem getting him to wear that brace.
Well an update on my father-in-law........he went for that full body pet scan and NOTHING shown up. No signs of cancer anywhere. PRAISE THE LORD !!! So now he has to go back every 3 months to check things out so continue to pray that nothing shows up when he goes back.
Work is going great......I feel like I am a part now. You know when you are the new kid on the block you feel like you stand out but now I feel comfortable with the babies and I work with a great person. We get along great and I couldn't ask for a better person to work with.
Well i know this is short but for the last two days I have done nothing but cough. I hope it hasn't turned into bronchitis. Nothing in the feels like it's all in the chest. Today is the worst day yet. I hope I don't end up in the dr. office again. I just can't quit coughing.
I'll try to post more later......I was going to do a lot of cleaning today but right now it looks like the recliner is calling my
Love yall,
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Carson gets his cast

Hey to all. first of all this is a picture of my son Carson. He got his cast today and charging people for their far he has made $ Now that I know how to add pictures I will start posting more.
So anyway....he did great. We wear this one for 3 weeks and then we get one from elbow down for 3 weeks. Yep.....he'll have for christmas and his birthday is Jan. 7th and I am calculating him to get it off Jan. 8th. What a bummer !!!!!
Nothing to exciting to post about just busy, busy busy with him. He can't dress himself , bath himself or anything so a mama's work is never done. I will try to post more later.
Friday, November 23, 2007
A new job, a broken arm and a stomach bug adds up to a stressful week.
I want to apologize for not posting or at least not lettng anyone know why I haven't been posting but it has been a very interesting 2 weeks for me. Remember in my last post I was bragging about having my tree.....well now I know why I did it so early.
This coming monday 3 weeks ago I got a call from a friend of mine that runs a daycare at our former church offering me a job. Although I have enjoyed subbing and wasn't really looking for anything else I told her I would talk it over with my husband and get back with her. After talking it over with him we both come to the conclusion that since all 3 boys were in school that it would be good for me to get out of the house (remember the last couple of months I have been going through my GUNK) plus it would be a paycheck coming in weekly to do the extra things everyone likes to do.....not to mention christmas is I called her back and started that wednesday. I have 7 toddlers....3 walking 4 crawling...ranging from 10 months to about 15 months. I love it.....challenging but enjoyable. I am still adjusting to the hours and working full time, taking care of 3 demanding boys, a husband, a dog and trying to keep the house clean. I am sorry I have left my blogging friends out there wondering about me.......I am okay just busy...LOL I am working there exactly two weeks to the day and my 8 yr. old wants to go to work with me because he is out of school for thanksgiving. About 4:30 wed. afternoon....his daycare teacher brought him in to me and said the most dreadful words a mom will eventually at some point have to hear....."Lisa, don't panic but Carson fell outsde and I think his arm is broke." I look up and OH MY GOSH, did I make a long story short we spend the next 7 hrs. in the ER and on the road to another ER to see a orthopedic. They originally thought they may have to take him to surgery to get it set properly but thankfully they were able to do it in the ER under light sedation. Okay so you talking about an 8 yr.old getting his baby could get anything he wanted from me right
So anyway to top it off...we have a great thanksgiving only to have him wake up in the middle of the night throwing up and going to the bath needless to say my work has been cut out for me through out this whole thing. I really do feel sorry for him.....he has a temporary cast till we go back to the dr. next tuesday.He has to wear a sling 24/7 unless he is in the bath and the cast is real heavy. I have got to say he has been a real trooper.....hardly cried at all during the whole thing. Being put to sleep while they set it really scared him.
So thats where I have been and I know God was there every step of the way with me. I promise to post earlier next time. Continue to keep my father-in-law in your prayers. He went wed. for a full body PET scan and we will know next tuesday if the cancer has spread or not. Thanks for posting on his caringbridge site.
Well it's 1:00 am...I guess I better get in the family will be here tomorrow for our delayed thanksgiving dinner.
Love yall and thanks for being concern.....I feel LOVED...hehehehe
This coming monday 3 weeks ago I got a call from a friend of mine that runs a daycare at our former church offering me a job. Although I have enjoyed subbing and wasn't really looking for anything else I told her I would talk it over with my husband and get back with her. After talking it over with him we both come to the conclusion that since all 3 boys were in school that it would be good for me to get out of the house (remember the last couple of months I have been going through my GUNK) plus it would be a paycheck coming in weekly to do the extra things everyone likes to do.....not to mention christmas is I called her back and started that wednesday. I have 7 toddlers....3 walking 4 crawling...ranging from 10 months to about 15 months. I love it.....challenging but enjoyable. I am still adjusting to the hours and working full time, taking care of 3 demanding boys, a husband, a dog and trying to keep the house clean. I am sorry I have left my blogging friends out there wondering about me.......I am okay just busy...LOL I am working there exactly two weeks to the day and my 8 yr. old wants to go to work with me because he is out of school for thanksgiving. About 4:30 wed. afternoon....his daycare teacher brought him in to me and said the most dreadful words a mom will eventually at some point have to hear....."Lisa, don't panic but Carson fell outsde and I think his arm is broke." I look up and OH MY GOSH, did I make a long story short we spend the next 7 hrs. in the ER and on the road to another ER to see a orthopedic. They originally thought they may have to take him to surgery to get it set properly but thankfully they were able to do it in the ER under light sedation. Okay so you talking about an 8 yr.old getting his baby could get anything he wanted from me right
So anyway to top it off...we have a great thanksgiving only to have him wake up in the middle of the night throwing up and going to the bath needless to say my work has been cut out for me through out this whole thing. I really do feel sorry for him.....he has a temporary cast till we go back to the dr. next tuesday.He has to wear a sling 24/7 unless he is in the bath and the cast is real heavy. I have got to say he has been a real trooper.....hardly cried at all during the whole thing. Being put to sleep while they set it really scared him.
So thats where I have been and I know God was there every step of the way with me. I promise to post earlier next time. Continue to keep my father-in-law in your prayers. He went wed. for a full body PET scan and we will know next tuesday if the cancer has spread or not. Thanks for posting on his caringbridge site.
Well it's 1:00 am...I guess I better get in the family will be here tomorrow for our delayed thanksgiving dinner.
Love yall and thanks for being concern.....I feel LOVED...hehehehe
Monday, November 5, 2007
Begining of a new week........
Well.... good morning girls....It's another monday. We had a 3 day weekend this weekend. The boys were out of school on friday for a teachers work day. They received their report cards and I couldn't believe it..we are passing everything. We were proud of 'em. You will never guess what else I did on friday......give up? I put my christmas tree up. me crazy but now it's up and I can enjoy thanksgiving, shopping and the holidays because all that is out of the way. I just love christmas.
My father-in-law goes tomorrow to see a urological oncologist. Pray that he can tell him something positive and things are going to be alright. I have created a website for him so friends, family and prayer warriors can go on there and leave him a note of encouragement. It's and then on the name, type in vernonjohnson1. I know he would love to know that people are praying for him. I know God is in control of what is ahead of him. I don't remember exactly what I posted previously about him but he had surgery back in April and they told us they had gotten it all. No chemo., radiation or anything. He had more surgery about 2 weeks ago and now they are saying 2 of the 7 lymph nodes tested positive for cancer. Just pray it hasn't spread throughout the body and was all localized in that one area. He has Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Metastatic meaning it can mestesticize to other areas of the body. We are praying it hasn't gone that far.
Well hope everyone had a great weekend. Nikki, hope your are feeling better and things can get back to somewhat normal for you.
Love yall,
My father-in-law goes tomorrow to see a urological oncologist. Pray that he can tell him something positive and things are going to be alright. I have created a website for him so friends, family and prayer warriors can go on there and leave him a note of encouragement. It's and then on the name, type in vernonjohnson1. I know he would love to know that people are praying for him. I know God is in control of what is ahead of him. I don't remember exactly what I posted previously about him but he had surgery back in April and they told us they had gotten it all. No chemo., radiation or anything. He had more surgery about 2 weeks ago and now they are saying 2 of the 7 lymph nodes tested positive for cancer. Just pray it hasn't spread throughout the body and was all localized in that one area. He has Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Metastatic meaning it can mestesticize to other areas of the body. We are praying it hasn't gone that far.
Well hope everyone had a great weekend. Nikki, hope your are feeling better and things can get back to somewhat normal for you.
Love yall,
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